Privacy policy

Data protection

We take the protection of personal data very seriously. This data is treated confidentially in accordance with data protection regulations. Data will only be passed on to the organisers of the proficiency test, the members of the German Stain Committee and the module coordinators. Please note that in the case of unencrypted communication by e-mail, access by third parties cannot be ruled out.


The following data is logged when you access our website:
  • Date and time of the page request
  • Name of the page accessed
  • Website from which you were redirected to our site
  • IP address of the computer from which the page was accessed
  • Browser type, browser version and the operating system of the computer from which the page was accessed
  • The log data collected is stored for one month and is used exclusively for troubleshooting and to maintain security.


We do not use tracking cookies. Cookies are solely used to increase the security of the web applications we use.

Right to information, deletion, blocking

You have the right to information about your personal data stored by us, its origin, recipient and purpose of data processing at any time. In addition, you have the right to rectification, blocking and erasure of this data. If you have any questions, you can contact at any time.

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